Well, as many of us learned, we have our main makers of the "Gears of War" movie, Len Wiseman as the director, who directed Live Free or Die Hard and the Underworld movies, and Chris Morgan to write, who was the writer of Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, Cellular, and the upcoming Wanted movie. Now, some might wonder if this is good or bad. In my opinion, it's... possible it'll be good. I feel that the director shouldn't have any trouble, but the writer is another story. I have my reasons for thinking this.
Les Wiseman
He did an excellent job directing all his movies. Live Free or Die Hard had the manic, crazy action that one would want to see in a Gears of War movie. We had plenty of mayhem going around, which was especially showcased fairly when all of the street-wide technology went down. In Underworld, we see plenty of action that resembles the Gears of War game play: military operatives taking out any enemy they see right on sight. Now I will admit, I didn't like the second Underworld movie that much. It had a lame plot, some pretty bad acting, and some other problems. It just shows me that Wiseman is a better director than writer. Let's all remember, he's sticking to directing. So basically, we have the man who can handle mayhem AND stylish action. So I feel we have nothing to worry about here.
Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan... he's got two movies on his resume. One was (kinda) hit, the other was (fairly) miss. Cellular was decent in my opinion. The movie was written to be fast paced, sensible, and had some decent dialogue. The premise was pretty good as well. FatF: TD, on the other hand... well, let me just say it was entertaining at least. Of course, if you've seen this movie, you'll realize that this contrasts Cellular to a greater degree. The premise was meh (then again, it was the THIRD FatF movie... still better than the second I suppose), dialogue was pretty bad, but on the plus side, it was all about the fast paced action. Although when I think about it, Gears wasn't about the dialogue. Then again, it was a game. When it's a game, you want to just destroy everything around you... the dialogue just had to be well acted. I still don't know what to think about this writer. I'll officially know what to think when Wanted comes out. If the writing appears to be in his favor, than I'll be comfortable with him writing Gears. For now... I just worry a smidge.
So, in my opinion, Gears has potential. Decent director with a questionable writer (but one who has potential, and I have my hopes for Wanted). It looks like with these two choices, Gears has a better chance of being good than bad. I hope it goes with those chances. For those of you who have their opinions, talk about what you think about this. Do you think these were wise choices?
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